Dean is ONE!

This past weekend we celebrated Dean's first birthday with a camping theme party! Birthdays are smore much fun. We had an indoor smore maker, "lake water," smore cupcakes and adventure decorations. Riggs is one loved little boy! To say this has been the fastest year of our life would be an understatement. Tyler and I feel so incredibly blessed.

From the moment we found out we were expecting to the moment we had Dean in our arms, we knew he was going to be a bundle of joy. He literally has the best smile and laugh.
Parenting came pretty naturally to me but it is not always easy (especially as he gets older. Learning how to discipline is challenging plus the stages come and go so quickly!). Riggs is helping me to learn patience and how to be more in the moment. I feel myself growing as a person. Being 100% responsible for another person has taught me so much.
I absolutely love seeing life through his lens. To see the excitement and enthusiasm in his expression when we visit the moo moos or when we see the tractor drive by, just makes me appreciate the moments.
We often get asked how we picked out his name, Dean Riggan Hibbs. Dean is my dad's middle name and Riggan is Tyler's middle name and his mom's maiden name.
A letter to Dean,
Dean, mommy and daddy are so proud of who you are becoming. It is so neat to watch your little personality flourish. This year has been a whirl wind and to see you grow and change from our little 8 lb baby to a one year old has been just the most amazing experience.
- Loves bananas and just fruit in general
- Is almost walking! So close!!
- Likes to play fetch with Diesel
- Enjoys being outside on walks or checking the cows
- Says ma ma, da da, ba ba, and Dee (Diesel)
Things I have learned this year:
- Growth leaps are a real thing and so are sleep regressions haha
- I don't need a clock anymore because Dean is my time and schedule keeper
- I need to lean on God for help and guidance
- Communication is key with your spouse
- Soak in all the snuggles because pretty soon they will be on the MOVE!
- Time really does fly
We love you to the moon and back bean baby!