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Mommy & Baby Update

Writer's picture: Morgan HibbsMorgan Hibbs

Updated: Mar 7, 2024

Levi will be three weeks old on Saturday and this mama is in disbelief. We are doing really well and loving this new season as a family of four. Dean has had moments of acting out as he gets used to the idea of sharing mom and dad but overall he is loving his new title. He is adjusting pretty well and I like to think Tyler and I helped prepare him for what was coming.

We are constantly talking to him about transitions and changes that he is likely to encounter. He is a kid that thrives on a heads-up notice haha... I am even giving him a 3 day heads up that his winter boots are going to be going on the shelf this weekend. He won't wear anything else right now and I want him to start wearing his rubber boots or tennis-shoes again haha. Today he said, "Mom two more days to wear my big boots!" (INSERT FIST BUMP).

We had Levi's two week appointment and the doc said he looks great! He is back to birth weight and then some. He eats like a champ and nursing is going so much smoother this go round. I feel a lot more confident in my abilities!

If you listened to Megan and I's podcast episode from last month, you know that sleepless nights was the one thing I was nervous about again. I value my sleep so much and I remember how tired I was in the beginning with Dean Bean. I don't know if it is because I am 3 years older and I have 3 more years of thriving on less sleep... but it doesn't seem as hard this time around. There was one night last week that I told Tyler that he had to get up with him because I just couldn't, I was so tired! But other than that, I have been cherishing those quiet moments when it is just Levi and I. It might also be the fact that I have been sleeping so much better when I do get to sleep. Comfy is an understatement, I feel like a new woman! I was so uncomfortable in the last trimester that I feel like sleep has been fantastic the last few weeks.

Levi has been getting up around 5:00 am or so and I have been able to get him fed and back to bed before Dean wakes up. It has been my goal to keep morning time special for Dean. Just mama and Dean time for a bit before the day begins. I am not sure how this routine will change when I am back at work but for now it is working for us.

Overall I am healing a lot faster than I did with Dean. The labor experiences were so different and it is hard to compare, but overall I seem to be recovering well. I had a vaginal delivery with Dean and a C-section with Levi. Both have their pros and cons and if I were to do it again, I am really not sure which one I would prefer.

When I went into labor with Dean, I started having contractions at 7:00 am on a Monday. It was Covid times and I was working from home. I continued with my virtual lessons all day and felt the contractions getting closer around dinner time. We went out and did chores and by the time we got home, I was having them about 10 minutes apart. We got to Mercy around 8:00 pm. I had Dean the following day at 12:12 pm.

With Levi, I was scheduled for a C-section at the University on Tuesday the 20th. On the morning of the 17th, I felt contractions and thought my water broke. We went into the hospital at 8:00 am and found out my water didn't actually break. We were debating if we should go home or not but decided to wait a bit to see if the contractions would slow down. While we were waiting, my water broke at the hospital. We delivered via C-section at 1:25 pm.

I lost a lot of blood with both deliveries. I hemorrhaged when I had Dean and almost had a blood transfusion. I have 0- blood and because of this, they had blood on stand-by when I went into the C-section with Levi.

Levi was born and things were going well. He was healthy and they were beginning to wrap things up. Well my placenta decided to grow into my uterus wall and when they tried to remove the after birth and placenta, my uterus began to bleed. They were having a hard time stopping the bleeding and I almost had to have a hysterectomy. I was beyond scared and the spinal tap was beginning to wear off so they gave me what I can only describe as laughing gas or something similar. I wasn't completely under but I felt like I kept coming in and out of consciousness. They were able to get a team in the OR and use some sort of balloon mechanism to stop the bleeding.

They took the balloon out a few hours later once my labs came back okay. The doctor is recommending that we don't have any more children. Tyler and I were already leaning towards our family being complete after Levi, but it was still difficult to hear. But with that being said, I am beyond blessed with the two boys that God gave us and ultimately this was his plan. Maybe that is why I don't seem to mind the sleepless nights. I am soaking up ALL of the baby season this time knowing it goes by so fast!

I have 5 more weeks of maternity leave and it just feels so short! I had 11.5 weeks off with Dean, but I am trying to remember that summer break is right around the corner.

Speaking of summer, you know I have a hard time sitting still... and spring break is when we usually begin our indoor seeds. Stay posted for more information about our summer subscription and flower cart! I hope to begin seeds next week.


  1. I am loving breast heating pads and the lady bug milk catcher.

  2. I am loving journaling about this season. I wrote down our labor story for both boys and I think it will be a neat keepsake. I also am working on baby books.

  3. Newborn/family photos. I was debating if I was going to have professional photos taken but I am so glad we did!

  4. COFFEE with my espresso machine that Tyler got me for Christmas (Casabrew brand)

  5. Mocktails: sparkling water and tart cherry juice or fresh squeezed mango juice

  6. Chia pudding loaded with fruit, peanut butter, greek yogurt and coconut

  7. HB Beef

  8. Sleep (watching friends before bed)

  9. Funny movies while I am snuggling with Levi (but I did just buy a few new books because I need to do something else with my mind while we snuggle. I am also just trying to sit and do nothing while we nurse or snuggle)

  10. Walks

  11. Resinol and breast milk for diaper rash

  12. individual times with the boys


  1. Being present with the family

  2. No social media on Sundays

  3. Getting outside

  4. Starting my first postpartum workout program once I get the all clear

  5. Nourishing my body with healthy food

  6. Being patient with myself and giving myself grace

Thank you for reading and comment below with your own experiences/things you are currently loving!



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