Good afternoon and happy snowy Monday! Thank you for taking the time to read my latest post. Your kind words helped reassure that I am heading in the right direction. I am working on designing our new FarmHouse Flowers website. My goal is to have it up and running by summer 2020.
I am currently doing a challenge called Last 90 Days. You might have seen it if you follow Rachel Hollis on Facebook or Instagram or if you were watching when they talked about it on Good Morning America. Is anyone else participating? Rachel is the author of best selling books: Girl Wash Your Face and Girl Stop Apologizing. Her last 90 day challenge encourages participants to end the last 90 days of the year stronger than we usually start the first 30. The challenge includes 5 daily tasks: drink half of your body weight in ounces of water, practice daily gratitude, goal setting, exercise and wake up an hour earlier. I have really enjoyed the challenge and I am seeing lots of progress! My water intake has seen the most improvement!
But goal setting has also seen improvement. Rachel has us write down our goals as if they have already happened. Her theory states that if our minds think the goal has already been accomplished than it will do anything it can to make it a reality. Sort of like a to do list. I was hesitant with this at first. It felt odd to write down; “Tyler and I have a larger home with more storage,” “I eat with portion control in mind,” or I have a growing flower business.” But what is so crazy… is that we are making progress in all of those areas. Tyler and I have had many conversations about our home, I am seeing results with my meals/workouts, and I have made huge gains with my flower hobby. All in the last couple of months!
Seeing our goals on paper has helped us chart out the steps it will take to reach it. A couple weeks ago I was doing some research on tulips when I came across the author of the first flower book Tyler gave me 3 years ago! She has an awesome four-part video series about fall planting. The videos really gave me confidence to include tulips and daffodils in my garden for next year. In the completion of the free fall videos, Erin, Floret Flower Farmer and author, talked about her upcoming online course.

Tyler and I did some research and learned about two Iowa flower growers, that we look up to, who also took the course. There are over 100 past participant testimonies! After much discussion, I am excited to announce that I am enrolled in an online flower workshop. I am beyond excited to take my hobby to the next level. Course content includes; starting seeds, harvest, extending vase life, marketing, pricing, arranging, and more.
The class officially begins in January…just in time to implement what I learn in our next growing season! I am beyond excited and nervous. Thank you for reading and believing in me! Stay tuned as I share more about my journey!