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M&M Chat! Our New Podcast!

Writer's picture: Morgan HibbsMorgan Hibbs

Well we hit publish on our first 3 episodes! Our podcast is live! M&M Chat is a monthly podcast that brings together our many commonalities… motherhood, farm life, fitness, chasing our passions, and girl chat!

It feels crazy to see our podcast published on the Apple Podcast App. Megan and I both love listening to podcasts, but it wasn't until a few years ago that I even knew what a podcast was. I was following a few people on Instagram who would occasionally chat about their favorite shows they were listening to. I decided to check it out and low and behold the app was already on my phone haha. I was welcomed into a world of personal development, education and entertainment!

So why did we want to start a podcast? Megan and I are full believers in continuing to push ourselves to try new things. We have always had a competitive side and we are most competitive with ourselves and each other. We used to do everything together. All through school we worked at the same jobs (besides once when Megan worked at Walgreens and I was a host at Okoboji), played the same sports and showed the same livestock. It wasn't until college where we began to chart our own paths, but now that we are back home and working full time, we missed collaborating.

Over a year ago, Megan mentioned one day that wouldn't it be crazy if we started a podcast? I laughed and said no it wouldn't be crazy, let's do it! For the next 6 months or so one of us would casually bring it up. We started a Google doc for ideas and potential names. It wasn't until the fall where we finally decided, if we are going to do this, let's just dive right in. The first thing we did was buy podcast mics, you can't be official without looking official, right? haha

We started promoting the podcast before we even knew where or how we were going to hit publish. We figured everything was figure-outable (quote by Marie Forleo) and we would learn as we went. We decided to launch on our birthday as a way to celebrate. We hit publish on the recordings one day before our launch...only to find out that it may take 72 hours to show up live. We had our YouTube page as backup but a podcast is similar to a radio show. It is meant to be played in the car, in your ear buds or as your washing dishes lol and we weren't sure if it would be ready in time. We pushed the launch back to noon and y'all it went live at 11:45! Phew!!

We are so excited for you to take a listen!

Our first episode is called 3,2,1 Record. In the first episode we chat about our background, goals for the pod and how we got here!

Episode two is called Building Roots in Ag. Your role is important! Today we chat about our role on the farm and how it changes through different seasons in life. We give tips and tricks for embracing your role and how to smooth the transition when your role begins to change. Join us as we chat about all the things! You don’t have to be a farm wife to relate to our convo!

Episode three is called Baby Giggles and Dirty Diapers. In this episode our chat ebbs and flows between humorous and serious. We dive into real-life routines, our birth stories, and asking for help.

We would love to hear your feedback and if you enjoyed the first three episodes, please consider sharing and subscribing.

Listen here:

We look forward to many more fun topics in the future! Thank you for being here and laughing along with us!



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