We started growing flowers the summer of 2017 but we didn't become an official business until 2020. I still wonder if we were crazy to pursue a flower farm during the height of the pandemic and with a baby on the way but here we are in the midst of our 2nd season! Trust me when I say it is not always easy but it is definitely worth it and we are thrilled to be raising Dean up on the farm.

Dean participated in many farm activities while snuggled in my belly and nothing has changed since his arrival. This kid rides in the truck and trailer, helps sort cows, harvests flowers and tags along to water daily.
At first I had serious mom guilt about taking him to the farm after work. So many thoughts would go through my head...it is almost dinner time, we need to get home in time for him to play, is he missing out on other kid activities? But then I saw an important reminder on Facebook, "kids will adapt to their family's lifestyle." This statement screams the truth. It can be so hard not to compare to others on Facebook but farm life is what we desire for our family. The quality of time we get to spend together as a family on the farm reminds me that this exactly the life I want to be raising Dean up in. Working hard to see the fruit of our labors. Chasing our dreams and growing the farm from the ground up through blood, sweat and tears!

Dean is almost always smiling in photos but let me tell you once he gets tired his mood can switch in an instant. He is just like his daddy... shh don't tell Tyler I said that. It's okay Tyler says Dean gets his dramatics from me... so I think we are even haha. The pictures might be cute but farming with a baby takes a lot of patience. Tyler and I divide and conquer a lot. I have had many early mornings and late evenings. I will often go to the farm on the weekends before Dean wakes up or I will head back out after he goes to bed. All of my arrangements are made after he is snoozing. Not everything can be done with a baby on your hip and in that case our family is so supportive.

It would be hard to farm with a baby without our favorite essentials! We love setting up a tent or pack-and-play to keep him shaded. The pack-and-play also comes with mosquito netting.

When Dean was smaller I would carry him on the front of my chest. We both really loved this! It was fun to be able to walk around hands-free and have Dean join me for different tasks. This method worked well until Dean started to reach for everything haha.

A hat is a must and we always make sure to have sunscreen, baby bug spray and sunglasses.
Other essentials: milk, snacks, toys, a blanket and stroller!

Farming with a baby comes with its challenges but it can be so fun too! I love watching Dean take in all of the scenery. As much as I keep trying to get him to see the "moo moos" The four-wheeler keeps capturing his attention... but I will keep working on it haha.