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Catch up with me!

Writer's picture: Morgan HibbsMorgan Hibbs

Hi all!

It has been busy around here... we are installing cabinets, painting trim and finishing up electrical work this week.

My dad called me last night at 8:00 pm and I was already curled up with Diesel dog after just putting Dean in his bed. I answered and we chatted about working cows this weekend and how I needed to replant a few rows of flowers. I mentioned that I had painted all day and was about to fall asleep. Needless to say, I think this is the craziest season I've ever been in... building a house, working full time, growing the farm business, being a wife and a mom. SO many blessings and I am thankful for it all, but it hasn't been easy, and I usually pass out as soon as my head hits the pillow...Okay y'all I am going to grab a second cup up of coffee and let's catch up on all the things!

It is finally summer break! My schedule adjusts this time of year and I have a lot more flexibility in my days. Beginning next week, I will be home with Dean Bean. I have a few work obligations towards the end of June, but for most of the summer, I will be home with my baby, and I am so excited! This summer I plan to slow down a bit. Megan and I plan to take the boys for walks, to the beach at Kent Park, the library, etc. If you have any suggestions, let me know in the comments below! Dean is in such a fun stage! Yesterday we had a full conversation when I got home. He told me all about playing in the pool and hanging with his cousin. He is honestly such a character, and he makes me laugh on the daily!

With more flexibility, it can be easy to sleep in and not prioritize "me" time, but I plan to do the opposite. I want to make time for my workouts, devotional, and time with God. I also hope to use this time to focus on my nutrition again. I have been struggling with hormonal acne and I want to dial in my nutrition. I also plan to drink my water goal each day! It can be easy for me to forget about water when I am in a new routine but nope... not this year! I am going to stay hydrated haha. I just wrapped up a 3-week workout program called T25 and it was a blast! I am currently starting a weight training program with cardio/running days mixed in.

Checkout M&M Chat, Megan and I's podcast! We are diving into conversations about calming the messy. We tackle health, organization, faith and more!

Okay now for things I am currently loving:

-Clearstem vitamin scrub and moisturizer

-Iced coffee (specifically from Essential Coffee Trailer in Tiffin)

-Powder sunscreen from Clearstem

-My new work boots from Thiesens

-Reading books at bedtime (I am currently reading a mystery which is new for me! I usually stick to romances)

-Walks with my boys

I have also been loving the podcast "Discover Ag!" Natalie and Tara dive into hot topics related to agriculture. They have real conversations about the pros and cons from a professional standpoint. It is super fascinating and gives me that much more confidence in our industry! I might tackle a few more hot topics in upcoming blog posts. What are your biggest questions when it comes to agriculture? I have such a passion for exploring these tough conversations.

Speaking of concerns, the lack of rain we have had this year is pretty scary. Most of our country is in a drought and I am worried it will have a pretty big impact on farmers. Personally, I am worried about our hay production. We just made our first cutting and if we don't get rain, we won't have a great 2nd or 3rd harvest.

Tyler and I have so much in the works, and it can be hard to spend time together. We are currently in a season where we don't really go on many dates and we haven't been able to travel much, but we do have a couple of fun days planned for the summer. We have a boat trip planned for July and we have scheduled a game of disc golf for Tyler's birthday. Even though days like that don't happen on a regular basis, I try to be intentional by adding a few events to the calendar. Tyler tells me that checking cows together counts as a date night...what do you think!? haha

Because I brought up cows... lets chat briefly about the farm. We are planning to work the cattle this weekend (pour-on and pinkeye shots). It is important to prevent against mites, lice, and mange. The pinkeye shot also prevents the cows from getting an infection caused by tall grasses and flies.

I hope to have blooms available by the 4th of July and I am currently brainstorming what I want my flower cart to look like. I can't wait to set it out at the bottom of our lane, stay tuned for more information!

What is happening in your world? I would love to know how I can be praying for you!




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